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BitNinja Review (2021): The Best Ultimate Server Protection Suite

BitNinja Server Security Review 2021:

Are you looking for the best server protection suite? If yes then you are at the right place as we are going to take you through an amazing product. In this digital age, it has become really easy to get hacked/attacked. This is more prominent in the case of servers and a lot of servers contain really important data, so it becomes necessary to protect them. There are a lot of softwares present in the market that claim to provide the best server protection. But none of them offer an all-in-one solution such as BitNinja.

So, today, we are going to take a deep dive into BitNinja Server Security, its features, and pricing plans. We will determine whether you should also use it or not.  

What is BitNinja Server Security?

BitNinja Server Security is an award-winning security tool designed for Linux servers. You can easily install BitNinja on your server in less than two minutes. The best thing about BitNinja is that it doesn’t even require any maintenance. It compromises both cloud-based and on-premise solutions. BitNinja sits directly in your server infrastructure which allows it to detect any attacks in advance.

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Another amazing thing about BitNinja is their defense network tech. With their defense network, every server defended by BitNinja around the world learns from each attack. The attack information is then forwarded to the central server and other BitNinja servers. With the help of this network, the protective shield against the attacks becomes much stronger. BitNinja provides its users with the latest cutting-edge server security technology and helps in avoiding any server attacks.

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There are six main features offered by BitNinja:

  • Realtime IP Reputation
  • Honeypots
  • WAF
  • Log Analysis
  • DoS Detection
  • Malware Detection

1- Realtime IP Protection:

Cyberattacks are getting common with passing time and there are two main types of these attacks:

  • Targeted Attacks
  • Automated Botnet Attacks

Botnet attacks allow hackers to exploit a lot of vulnerabilities on the server and then infect those servers. Then they can use these servers to carry out additional attacks which result in them getting control over more devices. This causes a high server load and you will also find a lot of suspicious connections on the server. The biggest impact is that websites will load very slowly.

BitNinja helps you avoid these attacks with its huge collection of IP addresses from all over the world. They have historical information about more than 100 million IP addresses in the database. With such a huge collection, BitNinja keeps its servers up to date on the malicious IPs and the ones that are safe. So, every new server makes the protective shield much stronger. If there is an attack on a server then BitNinja makes sure to block that IP on all of its servers.

It also provides you with the option of managing user-level IP lists as well. You can do this by adding:

  • Single IPs
  • IP Ranges
  • Countries
  • ASNs

BitNinja also has its own IP reputation list that is more advanced than the whitelists and blacklists. Their greylist makes handling false positives more convenient and also makes the management process more flexible. The main highlights of the Realtime IP Protection are:

  • IP Reputation List is Updated Continuously
  • Defense Network Gets Stronger with Every New Server
  • Greylist Blocks Suspicious Activity without Blacklisting the Malicious IP
  • Black-, White-, and Greylists are Shared on all Servers

2- Honeypots:

There are a lot of server owners who don’t know that you can prevent attacks by simply stopping the attacker’s scanning process. If the scanning process isn’t stopped, then the hackers can easily take a full scan of the server of any potential vulnerabilities. This can lead to a lot of data leakage and open port connections as well. This is where Honeypots step in. The Honeypots created by BitNinja are specially made to stop the servers from being scanned.

The hackers aren’t able to access the server information as their suspicious connections are trapped by Honeypots. You can easily use Honeypots to trap these hackers by using the backdoors that they use to access the server. There are two types of Honeypots provided by BitNinja:

  • Port Honeypot

It is used for blocking all of the IPs that scan for open ports.

  • Web Honeypot

All of the web app vulnerabilities scans are stopped by Web Honeypot.

All of the services running on a server aren’t affected by Honeypot in any way. This is really useful as Honeypots are set up on the ports which are independent of the ones running the real service. Honeypots can easily collect information and block all of the malicious IPs. This prevents any chance for future attacks. You don’t have to do anything in the setup of Honeypots as they are automatically set up by BitNinja. The best features of this module are:

  • Automatic Blocking
  • No Configuration Needed
  • Complete Compatibility

3- WAF 2.0:

The most critical part of a shared server is the websites. So, the botnets directly target these websites and launch their attacks. In order to block these website attacks, the best thing is WAF. BitNinja uses WAF 2.0 which works between the web server and the visitor’s web browsers. This reverse proxy is extremely fast so it can easily filter all of the web requests. This automatically removes the chance of an attack. You can also easily manage the firewall setting using BitNinja WAF 2.0.

The filter level is also configurable by the domain. You can allow for genuine traffic and block all of the suspicious traffic. This is a really useful feature that works best in shared servers. BitNinja is creating new WAF rules constantly which allows them to patch the CMS vulnerabilities. The WAF 2.0 doesn’t require any configuration and thus is very easy to use. As the ruleset is predefined so the false positive rate is kept to a minimum. The best features of WAF 2.0 are:

  • Domain Patterns
  • Constant Updates
  • Transparent Proxy

4- Log Analysis:

One of the most common things used to hack accounts is through dictionaries and searching the names and phrases. Botnets use these dictionaries to hack accounts. Well, you can easily avoid this problem if you use BitNinja. You get a Log Analysis module with BitNinja that automatically scans and analyzes all of the log files in a very efficient way. With this analysis, this module can block brute force attacks as well as spamming attempts, directory traversal, etc.

This module is amazing as you don’t need to pre-configure it. It works in the background and monitors every suspicious activity. If a malicious IP is detected, then it greylists the IP. In order to provide you with the latest protection, BitNinja makes sure to constantly update their IP Rules and also monitor all of the log files. The best features of this module are:

  • Zero Configuration Requires
  • Resource Friendly
  • Low False-Positive Rate
  • Constant Rule Updates

5- DoS Detection:

DoS attacks can be easily spotted and are mainly used for stopping service. These are some of the most common types of attacks and the attacker can use one device to completely disrupt websites. Well, BitNinja also excels in providing protection against DoS attacks. Their system is constantly monitoring all of the connections. If there are a lot of connections then they are automatically blacklisted for one minute so that the attacker can’t access them.

After the blacklisting period is over, the IPs are moved to the greylist. Then only genuine users can delist that IP. The DoS module works alongside the AntiFlood module. So, if there are a lot of DoS attempts then the blacklisting period will be increased significantly. A low fast positive rate is guaranteed with the default threshold and is also effective in blocking any DoS attacks. You can also configure this threshold on each port. The CAPTCHA page of BitNinja is DoS protected and it also doesn’t require a lot of resources. The best features of this module are:

  • Custom Threshold Configuration
  • Blocking Outbound DoS
  • Several Protocol Protection

6- Malware Detection:

One of the best things about BitNinja is that it offers Malware Detection. Malware is most commonly used as a backdoor to gain access to a server. The only way to stop the hacker is to remove the malware from the system. The traditional malware detection techniques are pretty useless nowadays as the hacking techniques are quite evolved now. BitNinja uses a resource-friendly technique that can easily detect any malware. 

Their unique malware signatures do the matching on the structure, so it doesn’t matter how the hacker alters the malware. This is why a BitNinja malware signature equals thousands of traditional signatures. And I didn’t mention the best: they have more than 750 thousand of these unique signatures in the database.

So, you can remain safe from malware using BitNinja’s malware detection module. This module can find the malware that isn’t detectable by the standard detection softwares. This detection system is best because it uses very low resources and can quickly detect any malware. There is also the Defense Robot which automatically blocks the IP as well so the source of the infection can be completely blocked. The best features of this module are:

  • Resource-Friendly
  • Quick Scans
  • Structured Analysis
  • Custom Malware Signatures

We have been testing BitNinja for one month on one server (with one host) and Server Security defended more than 830 thousand attacks in this period.


  • Robust Server Protection Solutions
  • Easy to Use
  • No Configuration Required
  • Top of the Line Malware Detection Module
  • Increased Server Protection
  • Good Pricing


  • Navigation can be a bit tricky sometimes

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Pricing Plans:

The following pricing plans are offered by BitNinja:

  • 0-1 Hosted User – $10/server
  • 2-40 Hosted Users – $20/server
  • 41-250 Hosted Users – $30/server
  • 250+ Hosted User – $40/server

You get the same features in all of the plans and the only difference is the number of users that you can host.

Final Verdict:

It has become a necessity to use some sort of server protection nowadays. Hacking incidents have become quite common and companies try their best to keep their information safe. So, if you are looking for a robust platform that brings you the best server protection features then BitNinja should be your top priority. It has all the features and is easy to use as there is no configuration required. If you want to keep your servers safe from any malware or DoS attacks, then BitNinja is the one to choose.

The post BitNinja Review (2021): The Best Ultimate Server Protection Suite appeared first on uCompares.com.

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