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AtroPIM Review (2021): The Best leading PIM System

AtroPIM Review 2021:

AtroPIM- the leading PIM system in 2021:

Are you running an online business or handling an in-store business and are stuck in troublesome circumstances regarding your product information? You’re not alone in these situations if it makes you feel any better! Many companies find it challenging to come up with catching and exciting product descriptions and manage them according to the latest trends. Staying relevant in today’s tech age is the most crucial for businesses. And the best way to do that is with catchy and engaging product descriptions. But what must one do to manage and structure their businesses’ product information?

As practiced by many businesses and enterprises, the best approach is using tech tools, software, and apps to assist with this process. One such commonly used tool is the Product Information Management System, which has the primary responsibility of centralizing and managing businesses’ product information and organizing the structured data in the enterprise context to feed into any channel. There are various PIM systems available in the market.

In this article, we’d brief you on the basics and specs of our favorite Product Information Management System called AtroPIM. We’d also discuss its winning features, competitive advantages, and why companies choose it, among various helpful information. So without wasting any further time, let us jump right to the details!

Introduction of AtroPIM:

AtroPIM is a free, newest, innovative, web-oriented, full-featured, and customizable Product Information Management System, which is flexible enough to be a good fit for Manufacturers, Distributors, Retailers, and Wholesalers. This app is absolutely 100% open-source and also owns a GPLv3 license. It assists in updating the catalogs, adding new products, or altering the present ones, delivering your current product information across all the mediums. And the best part is that all these operations are performed within the span of a few hours rather than weeks. AtroPIM will also assist you with your teamwork and automation of the business operations, increasing the functionality, and standard of the operational outputs, systemizing and organizing the information exchange. AtroPIM can also be scaled accurately according to the requirements of the user.

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AtroPIM will assist you in employing the ultimate capability of your product data.  It possesses adaptable designs and a data model and offers a wide range of out-of-the-box features. This software is free of cost. You can purchase premium modules to extend the functionality. The super responsive UI enables you to utilize it on smartphones, desktops, and tablets.

AtroPIM is a versatile, scalable, and highly configurable PIM system.  It is a contemporary, revolutionary open source Product Information Management System (PIM). Utilize AtroPIM collaboratively with AtroDIM in a single software instance for delivering a remarkable product experience!

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Features Overview:

You must be pondering about the features that this app offers. You don’t need to consider anymore as we’re just going to explain to you the edge-cutting features of this tool, making it a total hit among businesses.

1- Data Modeling:

You can model your data by organizing your entities, relations between them, fields and attributes. You can even manage all kinds of layouts to employ the configured data stracture.

2- Web orientation and UI:

AtroPIM is a web-oriented Product Information Management System. It possesses highly responsive user interfaces that will aid you to work on potentially any device, from desktops to handheld devices, like tablets and smartphones. This feature is the most useful one as a web browser is all you require for the management of your product data.

3- Data import:

You can rapidly import the data from varied sources in any mode by utilizing import feeds, verification rules and transformations using this tool. You can even import data for related entities at once. The best part is that you can choose to automate your imports if required. You may also source product data and digital entities from multifarious suppliers employing import or portal functions.

4- Permissions:

You can employ the most versatile enterprise-grade accessibility authority, with an ability to configure the authorizations, and access levels for any unit within the system, even on a field scale, with the help of this app.

5- Product standardization:

This tool will also assist you in standardizing and structuring your product data in literally any manner that you require. You can utilize product channels, families, and catalogs for this operation.

6- Product-associated HTML management:

You can potentially manage any product-related HTML data or content encompassing additive descriptions, press releases, or landing pages, etc., with this app.

7- Product authenticity augmentation:

This tool can also assist you in augmenting the standard, authenticity, and coherence of your product data due to completeness, authentication, approval, and checking specs.

8- Multitudinous versions:

This app will help you set up multifarious models of context-intuitive product information to complement varied usage circumstances or publish it to multiple channels.

9- Advanced data searching and filtering:

You can benefit from advanced data searching, filtering, and navigation operations. You can use complicated queries by utilizing full-text search to cover any needs in searching and finding proper product information using this app.

10- Product relations setting:

You can also allocate or set product relations, like cross-sell and upsell, among many others, for increasing your store-product dependencies like spare parts or e-commerce sales.

11- Data Inheritance:

You can also utilize data inheritance to conserve time and minimize errors. The product attributes can be inherited from various product families, product variants inherit data from parent products.

12- Product Data and Catalog organization:

This system offers ideal product data and catalog management. Just like it ought to be. Let’s see the specs;

Singular Source of Truth:

You can collectively combine all your product-based information in a single remedy and arrange for it to be available externally and internally.

All channels product data:

Utilizing this tool, you can design product data for ultimately all of your channels for executing an effective omnichannel plan. Use channel-specific attributes, if you want to transfer some product attribute value only to a certain channel.

Multifarious catalogs:

You can design your enterprise’s very own product catalogs or books using this app. You will even have an option to import the product booklets from your vendor.

Data synchronization:

You can further benefit from this tool by using the data syncing features. The synchronization performed with ERP and other data systems conserves a lot of your time. This process also aids in reducing errors and upgrading functionality and efficacy.

Organization of product relations:

Using this tool, you can efficiently work with various product kinds and product associations. You can then link the products with each other for delivering upgraded, better product experiences. Using bilateral product associations is also possible.

Uniform and consistent product data:

You can design a consistent and coherent look for all of your products using this tool. The best part is that you can get a uniform product line irrespective of the channel you have published your products on.

Swift product launch:

You can take your products online a lot rapidly due to our very favorite interrelated combinatorial content creation feature of this product. This means that now you wouldn’t have to wait for ages before launching your product.

E-commerce platforms Integration:

You can integrate PIM with potentially any e-commerce forum or marketplace site to augment your sales with this tool.

Why do retailers and manufacturers select AtroPIM?

You must be pondering this question out loud to yourself! Don’t you worry anymore because we have got you covered! AtroPIM offers many positive features to businesses and straightforward data organization, which will make you highly contented with their services! A bunch of other specs which AtroPIM offers that the manufacturers and retailers adore are;

Efficiency and Versatility:

AtroPIM is highly efficient and versatile Product Information Management Software with various configuration alternatives.

Revenue augmentation:

The standard-based and marketing-oriented Product Information Management will tremendously increase your sales, therefore amassing the revenues.

Cost conservation:

You get to save a vast amount of resources, money, and time on data organization, handling, enrichment,and partitioning your product data using this app.

Functionality reports:

This software also offers you various chances to upgrade your functionality or handle and alter the data and related operations’ standards.

Effective correspondence:

You can utilize collaborative data from multitudinous channels and get them operated and processed by your staff with the help of this tool.

Supreme-standard outcomes:

You can benefit from the synergies and gain profits from the instant publications of uniform and standard-guaranteed data using this app.

The window of Opportunity utilization:

AtroPIM wouldn’t want you to miss out on your golden window of opportunity and therefore brings the NPIs swiftly into circulation, ensuring that you don’t doze off during your marketing opportunities. The pre-published product information may be updated rapidly.

Try AtroPIM For Free

Perks of AtroPIM for developers:

Now let us guide you about the perks that AtroPIM has to offer the developers. AtroPIM code is straightforwardly understandable and expandable, keeping the developers contended as they can scale it according to their needs.

Open Source:

You must be excited to know that, unlike some advertised PIM that claim to be open source but turn out to be a scam, AtroPIM is not like them. Instead, it is open-source and is given under the GPLv3 license. You can alter all the operations that you desire!


A significant perk offered to the programming geeks by AtroPIM is their API-centered software. This app possesses an API-centric software framework that indicates that all the operations are being performed via API. And we mean all functions! Even your alterations become instantly available in API.


Versatility and the Extensibility of a code are the two features that developers dig the most! You’d be overjoyed to know that AtroPIM is also created via object-centered programming, which indicates that it has a highly versatile and modular built-in term of alterations.

Premium standard code:

The best perk provided to the developers by AtroPIM is the premium code standard, as the developers often have to put up with low-quality codes. It possesses top-quality code, and its team is constantly improving its codes to make this experience pleasant for the developers.

Innovative technologies:

You’d be happy to know that all the functions and operations of AtroPIM are based on innovative technology. It is created with state-of-the-art avant-gardes like Backbone.js and PHP7.


All the developers must be relieved to know that this app is highly scalable. You can conveniently extend the operations of AtroPIM with your desired versions and modules.


Having read all about this innovative system, you must be able to summarize it for yourself! Nonetheless, through this article, we tried to give you an overview of the functionality of AtroPIM and elaborated on its extensive features. The latest, innovative open source Product Information Management System (PIM) comprises scalable designs and data models and provides a wide range of out-of-the-box features. The best part is that it is free of cost and is being released under the license of GPLv3. You can download the brochures, if you want to learn more about this PIM system.

Data inheritance, scalability, product standardization, advanced data searching and filtering, data importing, and versatility are some of the most sought-after features of this system. The use of state-of-the-art technologies, open sourced-ness, АPI-orientation, and product centralization are some of the significant perks offered to the developers who use this system! So if you’re confused about your product information management, you should immediately try out this product! We recommend using this product to everyone as it is worth a shot and is free of cost!

The post AtroPIM Review (2021): The Best leading PIM System appeared first on uCompares.com.

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